Happy Music!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy is what happy believes. Sometimes little is more and more is less and all just depends on us in the end. Music is therapy. Some notes can give you goosebumps. Some songs can get back picturesque memories back to you. Can make you happy. Sad. Overjoyed. Its a great feeling, submitting to music.
If you love music as much as that, you should keep a list of your happy music. And listen to it. Every once in a while. To remind you what makes you happy. Because every once in a while, people need reminders. That keeps us going, in the right direction. And also, be happy.

All about the money!

When it's a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.
We've all joked about it, cribed about it. And how true is that. Nobody would be anybody without money. Its all about the money. People kill for money. People befriend for money. Its everywhere. Its almost all there is. Almost, because for some people, life is still about happiness more than it is about money.
What does money mean to you?