Uncertain, but hopeful

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hope is all anybody ever needs to go on in life. Everybody has enough to complain about. But there is only one tiny speck of hope that keeps us going. Hope that someday our life too will take a U-turn and everything would be just like we imagined. We hope. We believe. We do it every single moment of our lives. And that's what keeps us going.

Hope is what makes the journey more beautiful than the destination, sometimes. Its when you keep going, and then you look back and you can't believe you did what you thought you couldn't have. Just because you kept up the hope. You didn't know. You just hoped.
Like that we keep on going. We hope today to believe tomorrow. We hope today to be surprised tomorrow. To be happy.
On the way we lose hope. But we gain it again. Sometimes we're reminded of the time we did believe. By someone. Or something. Keep in touch with those things and those people that keep you going. And so, if someone loses touch with hope in between, pull them through it. Give them something to go on for. They are hoping you would help. They don't know it, but they hope. We hope. Someone would pull us through sometime. So we keep on hanging in between. Someone. Something. Will change. To make it all worthwhile.


Arjun Jhawar said...

Hope keeps us alive.....hope makes us feel we are humans..hope connects us with our soul....hope is the sourcecode of our life..