Who experiences your moods swings?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

"Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."
Homer Simpson

Are you impulsive?
Do your moods swings swing way faster than most people can predict?
Do people keep asking you if you're feeling ok?
Do people have a hard time being sure about what you think?
Right, you are the unpredictable moody i'm talking about. Do you realize how difficult it is to keep up with your moods? Do you understand the position of someone who is trying to be comfortable around you? Just relax will you? Control your moods for a while. It isn't all the difficult. Try? And yeah, just let people know what you're thinking. At least those who are eager to know. Please.

Struggling for ourselves

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Creativity, as natural as it may seem at first, is a science. People can be born with talent, but expertise is developed over time. Writers and painters who are sometimes percieved as being gifted with certain talents have to still develop that talent into expertise before they begin to harness any benefits from it.

If someone decides at 20 decides today that he wants to be a full time writer, he is looking at first the development of the language skills and the effectiveness of his narration. He is looking at a life where he has to look for stories and make them. He has to devote time and attention to improve which is a slow process. And he may not be able to make another profession because of this one. That is not easy.
A contemporary artist in today's world of technology and tools has to not only know the methods of the past but should also understand and be adept at the possibilities of the tools of today. The choices that he has to make are not made in one night that he wants to be a painter. But the contemplation of a long time that he can't be nothing else.
We are who we are and even the obstructions in the path that is our's are our own. We love them like we love the path like we love our destiny. Admitting our love for the things we love and believing in it is a major foundation of individuality. I am.

Subconscious Settings

Friday, December 26, 2008

Conscious, sub-conscious, super-conscious, etc. seem to be rather complicated terms as such. But it is really quite simple if we try to understand these terms. Knowing what we are doing, how, why, etc is our consciousness. Reacting naturally, and not realizing our concepts about our actions is sub-conscious behavior. Knowing not just our own but about many things beyond ourselves and realizing their interconnection and interactions is super-consciousness.

We dont always realize how a certain incident has effected our way of handling things: why and when we stop trusting or start believing. We think we are like what we have always been. But the truth is that we are as constantly changing as change can be. Every new incident, interaction, conversation and emotion, brings with it a new change in our perception of the world around us. Only when we look closely enough do we realize how people who we thought used us gave something invaluable in return which they didn't know or didn't even intend to. Value is not only what can be categorized. We like it or not. We know it or not, we change. All the time.

Happy Music!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy is what happy believes. Sometimes little is more and more is less and all just depends on us in the end. Music is therapy. Some notes can give you goosebumps. Some songs can get back picturesque memories back to you. Can make you happy. Sad. Overjoyed. Its a great feeling, submitting to music.
If you love music as much as that, you should keep a list of your happy music. And listen to it. Every once in a while. To remind you what makes you happy. Because every once in a while, people need reminders. That keeps us going, in the right direction. And also, be happy.

All about the money!

When it's a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.
We've all joked about it, cribed about it. And how true is that. Nobody would be anybody without money. Its all about the money. People kill for money. People befriend for money. Its everywhere. Its almost all there is. Almost, because for some people, life is still about happiness more than it is about money.
What does money mean to you?

Wake up call for people who really dont know they need it.

Monday, December 22, 2008

What the hell do some people think they're doing with their lives? really? and are they even thinking?? I understand that your environment can make you lose your touch with the larger picture but man!! Maybe make you less passionate and less driven. But so much? How can you not look at what you've become? Over time. And stop looking for the right things in life. And talking to the right people. And looking for the right opportunities. That is all anybody ever does. And you can't stop doing it! And please, get a grip!

What dreams!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Some dreams haunt, some taunt, some smile and some simply surprise. We all have dreams: good and bad dreams, dreams we can't forget, dreams we can't ignore and also dreams we wish came true. There're different theories about dreams. Some say dreams are just our brains' wasted energy while we sleep. Some say they actually mean our state of mind, and represent our thoughts, dreams, desires and fears. But then what about those dreams about people we dont think about? Someone we didn't even know back in school? Or somebody we'd passed on our way to work? Or someone we saw somewhere we dont even remember. Happens, you know! But why?

There's a book called The Interpretation Of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. Its one of those bestselling books most people can't read. It gave me nightmares since the day i started to read it. So I never got to the second page. Of course!

So I'll just guess. Maybe seeing surprising faces in dreams signifies our desires to know these people, desires we might have felt at the time when i saw those faces...

what do you think?


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Some times we surprise ourselves big time. Does happen you know. Generally if someone taunts you, you might take it up as a challenge and try to beat that. But sometimes you're more intelligent and you feel how funny it is that they wanted to taunt you. You say, "really? Thanks you cared so much!" Others' opinions or critique is just not worth the attention we sometimes end up paying to it. It might hurt. But if we are still focussed on what we want, we are pretty much unhurt. Or the thing might not be such a prestige issue to you in the first place. When we realize how unhurt we are by things that might have affected us, we realize our strength for standing up for ourselves. Thats a lovely feeling.
This particular quality is also described in the book called The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand, "It just hurts to a certain point. And then, there's no pain."

Painting by Deepa Goyal - "Nears but does not touch"

Familiarity v/s Rarity

Friday, December 5, 2008

We tend to see the ones closer to us in a dimmer light than we see the ones that are not accessible to us. A husband may be more handsome and caring than an actor is projected on screen and yet women are attracted to that man. Because they dont have him.

Familiarity breeds contempt, while rarity wins admiration.

When we come to know someone very closely, we begin to know a lot of good things and a lot of bad things about them. Sometimes people have a rough time. In those times we see more of the flaws. But we shouldn't let these flaws get to us. This is still the same person. Just the times are a little tough. Happens to all of us. But many a times, we fall in the trap of contempt. We begin to look down upon people we used to like but are not in such an admirable shape at the moment. But people grow out of adversity. Sometimes people seem to be lost while they are just taking time to make a decision choosing the right path to take. Love is irrespective how bad times. Share bad times, help each other. Don't just let attraction decide. Accept change in others as you change too.

Don't fool in love, please!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Just why do people become so crazy in the name of love that they dont mind being taken advantage of? Some people carry on relationships because of the money, or status, emotional dependence, or merely habbit. Habbit too. Really. Some people keep dragging a relationship because they dont know what they'll do without it. But is it really that way? Should it really be that way? Weigh your relationships on how it is contributing to your life. Make decisions, dont just cling. And don't drag. Be strong. Be complete - with and without. Have an independent identity.

Richard Branson said:

"When something stops being fun, its time to move on."

Don't drag a relationship, please! Work at it. Make it work. Thats of course if you really can't let it go.

People who love, fight.

Only the ones who love you will tell you what to do and what not to do and be irritated at your mistakes and hate you for making them. Others don't interfere, only because they don't care. Friends fight. Couples fight. Siblings fight. Only because they care enough to. That is real care. So when someone close to you is irritated, pay attention. If they're so worked up about it, they probably have a point. Same goes for you. If you're feeling so strongly about something in your loved ones' life, and you comment and they resist, don't just give up. Give space alright, but make your point. Thats what we're for.

Those who fall...

Some people feel defeated. Sometimes everybody does. Some people take too much time to get over it. Some people never do. While some people get going quick. They move on. They take up the next challenge.

We are always told to not to stay down after falling down, but how difficult is it to practice? If you're defeated and someone tells you go to hell, you probably do. But even to those, there are few who will take criticism seriously even under stress or sorrow. That is real strength. Sometimes everybody breaks. But listen. Listen when you can't think for youself. Listen, when you dont have enough to say.