Some Great Advice

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friends are the people you can tell things you wouldn't usually admit even to family. Jokes you can't share with a brother or a sister or parents. And yeah, sometimes they provide with excellent advice.
Advice is itself such a funny thing. We always know what to do, but we want advice. We know whats right, but we ask for more advice. Mostly advice is only an instruction to do the right thing which we are trying to avoid doing. We need advice because someone else can give us the view of the larger picture we lose while considering the details. Some or the other times, we all need advice.
There are two great ideas some very nice people told me recently.

" When you dont think things are right. Quite the way you want them to me. Quite
the way you think they should be. Wait. If its a bad patch, don't make it worse
by going on about it. Pass the time. Time heals everything. Bad time passes.
Things change. Progress returns. In time." - Shreye Mehtani

And :

"Never spend more than 24 hours on any feeling. Neither achievement and glory nor sadness and misery." - Niraj Jain and also Paras Gudka

Its something we all think we know. Only, we forget. Exactly when we need to remember it.