I look.
What remains.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: certain point, Poem
Celebrate to invite
Friday, October 16, 2009Celebrating joy brings more joy into life. If you feel that you have no joy, celebrate being. Because if you are, there is possibility for immense joy. Celebrate!
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: joy, The Secret
Space and Time
Sunday, August 23, 2009When we're sad we think of a so much past and so much present and as much future. Every once in a while we get tired of everything that is going on around us. We need some time to take some space. Spend some alone time and recollect our ideas. It good to do that. And when we do that. We realize that past has passed and future hasn't arrived. All space melts into HERE and all the time in the world becomes NOW and that's all we really ever have.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: philosophy, Space, Time
Love is not free
Is permitting someone to hurt us, always such a bad idea? Hoping that things would be understood your way some day and life would change its course, wrong?
Posted by Deepa Goyal 4 comments
Labels: Advice, Care, certain point, Love, relationships
Old Habits Die Hard
Friday, August 21, 2009Break ups are so difficult not only because of the emotional turmoil but also because of the habits that are to be given up. Nick names. Things that we did for each other. Waking up thinking of each other. Being the first one to be told. Being the one to be there no matter what. Laughing to each other's silliest jokes.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Love, relationships
Bad friends are like Bad Investments
Thursday, August 20, 2009Some people never pay up what they borrow or return favors or even greetings. What are these people to you if they don't ever give anything in return. They make you wait, they let you down and make you feel disrespected.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Indifference, people, relationships
Sense of Love
Wednesday, August 12, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Procrastination in love
Tuesday, July 21, 2009Most of the times we lose chances not because we didn't have a chance in the first place but because we miss it by our own choice. We keep waiting for the right time so much that we miss it every time it is really there. But really, why is it so difficult to admit that we're in love. Why do we fear to make that first move? Really, what's there to lose? We don't have them in the first place.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Love
Getting Back
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I can't stop getting back to The Fountainhead every few years. Neither can I stop asking my loved ones to read it. Its just that I feel so great sharing it. Even if you don't agree with the philosophy, the book is still a masterpiece in all its beauty and perfection.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Ayn Rand, fountainhead, Memories
Relating emotions
Wednesday, July 15, 2009We relate different emotions to different situations. So we expect pleasantries on meeting and memories on parting. But what about the new and unexpected situations?
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Simply Understood...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
We just know which movie will not be our type to enjoy. We just know what to say to some people and it would never change anything between. Some people just understand us. There may be no words to explain. There may be no descriptions at all. But we're simply, understood. That's worth something.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: people, relationships
Going back to what we wish for
Saturday, June 27, 2009Considering that bigger picture, many things would lose the importance they are now getting. Sometimes its equally important to look closely. We may now be yearning for a moment from the past that if granted, we won't be so happy to go back to.
A struggle that was exhilerating. A misplaced moment of joy. Missing a love we left by choice and who was at one time, very dear.
If we see what we have come through, we wouldn't ourselves want to go back.
Good Vibrations
Nice people have nice vibrations. Optimistic people bring optimism even without saying anything. Sad people make you gloomy just by their presence.
Everybody gets sad some or the other time. It is those who struggle at the right time to get out of it who get out in time, others end up wasting time. Realizing that we're sad is one thing, doing something to cheer ourselves up is another. Nobody can cheer us as well as ourselves. The lesser time we spend on bad feelings, more we have for the good ones. Anybody who thinks like that, will automatically bring that feeling to you. Thats why spending time with friends when they are "supposedly" cheering you up, helps.
You want to be happy, get around happy people. And whoever agrees on wasting time on sadness, don't you even dare come near me.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Losing The People We Don't Like
Tuesday, June 23, 2009There are some people in our live's who aren't there for any particular purpose. They talk to us. A lot. They just take up our time and attention with little to give in return. It may seem mean at first. Or even be difficult, at times. But once we lose this kind of people, we will realize a clearer picture. A better view. Being undisturbed. Thinking of more pleasant thoughts, for longer.
Well, some people are just not worth keeping.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Giving Chance a Chance
Monday, June 22, 2009We will never know what lies in store for us unless we take our chances and explore. Invite opportunities, to consider possibilities. Open new doors. Take new steps. Create memories. Explore. Experiment. Enjoy.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Chances, life, Possibilities
Respecting other's space and keeping our own
Saturday, June 20, 2009A person who can't understand other people's privacy will never repect their space. Invasion of privacy can be very hurting.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: Advice, Attachment, Attitude, certain point, Space
Take your music player...run.
Only upto a certain point
Friday, June 12, 2009We try to do something. With less luck. We try again. Until one day, we just suddenly successful. That's how it is with developing new skills. We struggle with it for a while, then one fine day, its a part of who we are.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: certain point, hate, Luck, move on
Perfect Forever
Friday, June 5, 2009We wait for the perfect circumstances forever. But is there anything called perfect circumstances? Do they ever arrive? Perfect circumstances might never arrive.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Ambition, Attitude, certain point, Confidence, Faith, Hope, Optimism, The Secret, Time
As Perfect As Imperfect Can Be
Wednesday, June 3, 2009Not realizing the mistakes we make in another frame of time and another frame of mind is the worst mistake that we can possibly make. Never expect yourself to be perfect. Or to be in total control. Or even perfectly sane, all the time. We are all insane some of the times.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Consciousness, Mistakes
Forgetting Pieces to make Peace
Whenever we start learning a new language it takes us a while from moving from when we're just beginning to coming into the flow, and when the language spills out of us automatically. Same is with memories. They depart without notice.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Designing moments of life
It is us who decide to express happiness or guilt or fear. We are constantly designing every moment of our life. We make a choice when we choose to pick flowers for a loved one when we go to meet them. We plan surprises. Its the value of thought that is put in that makes it more precious than the gift itself.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: decisions, Feelings, Movies, Possibilities
If we welcome, we will get.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009The fundamental reason why we don't get many new people into our live's all the time is because we are defensive and don't let many people in. We get unfriendly and unwelcoming to strangers. Its a great idea to meet new people specially if we are trying to change our lives in some way. New people bring new ideas into our lives.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Movies, Optimism, people, Possibilities, Space, The Secret
Monday, May 25, 2009Gottman has found, in fact, that the presence of contempt in a marriage can even predict such things as how many colds a husband or wife gets; in other words, having someone you love express contempt toward you is so stressful that it begins to affect the functioning of your immune system. " Contempt is closely related to disgust, and what disgust and contempt are about is completely rejecting and excluding someone from the community. The big gender difference with negative emotions is that women are more critical, and men are more likely to stonewall. We find that women start talking about a problem, the men get irritated and turn away, and the women get more critical and it becomes a circle. But there isn't any gender difference when it comes to contempt. Not at all" Contempt is special. If you can measure contempt, then all of a sudden you dont need to know every detail of the couple's relationship.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Book, Malcolm Gladwell, quote
I can ride my bike with no handlebars
Saturday, May 16, 2009This song reminds me of The Secret. Maybe because is has so many I CANs
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Music, The Secret
Choosing to wait
Friday, May 15, 2009When someone leaves someone, someone is naturally left behind. It is not the greatness of the one who left to have left, it is the greatness of the one that is left behind, to move forward with hope in his mind.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Hope, Love, Love in the Time of Cholera, Wait
On that some day
Thursday, May 14, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Confidence, destiny, Faith, Future, I am, life, Love, Love in the Time of Cholera, move on, The Secret, Wait
I am.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009It is not so much the place we make for ourselves in this world, as it is the place in this world that we were born with. We all have our own. We are this person who is here at this moment and nobody else.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: destiny, Individualism, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Someone will...
Some people will come back for us, when we ourselves fail to recognize ourselves. And they shall be there for us, taking care of us, making up for what we can't accomplish.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Life plays some tricks...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is one famous book. It says that whatever we say/think we want, gets attracted to us in this universe. True. So if we're thinking that we need to work only tad bit more so we succeed, that comes true in a way that we're always falling tad bit behind.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Success, The Secret, Trick
All colors of life!
Saturday, May 2, 2009Going through life at a fast pace we tend to plan, predict and prepare life so custom made that we miss out on surprises. Life fails to surprise us if don't leave any space for it to do so. Prepare, but don't over prepare. Leave some scope for surprise, and who know, life might juse take you down some stunningly scenic road!
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, destiny, Dreams, Failure, life, Possibilities, Time
Instant Forgetting - Switch Period
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Attitude, certain point, Failure, Faith, move on, Optimism, Time
The people we meet on our way up are the same people we meet on our way down. True. But then, everybody knows that. So why is arrogance so common?
Unchain my heart!
Freedom is something that as much as given does come back. Well, unless it destroys you before you come back.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Comes Naturally
Tuesday, April 28, 2009Either we notice something, or we don't. Either we care, or we don't. Either we love or we don't. If we love, either we accept we love and say that we love or we resist our attraction and say we hate. Its all the same thing. Life is always absolute. We are alive or dead. We are happy or we're not. And to be happy is really all anybody ever desires, of course. Some people are made happy by acquiring and some by providing. But the aim is the same - happiness.
What is happiness? Chemical phenomenon? Reflex? It isn't necessary to know the functioning of the process. But we know. Somehow we know when to cry and when to smile. It comes naturally.Mean people are naturally mean. And nice ones are naturally nice too. Nobody can really fake their desires or their reactions. Its just how they are. Everybody being strange in their own ways, the best we can do is choose our friends without judgement, keeping the ones that match our levels of strangeness. There is really no good or bad. We are as we are, and it comes naturally.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Running out of conversation
Thursday, April 23, 2009Some people are naturally talkative. They can go on and on and on and never run out of things to talk about. While some just fall short of words. It isn't particularly good or bad - being talkative or not. Its just how we are. Some people like to discuss, asking for opinions, consulting before making decisions. And others just live on their own.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: relationships, Space
I am trying hard to write a post. Honestly, I am. But I am hungry and I am also trying to be on a diet. I don't know why we take such pains giving up food to stay in "shape" while it does make us suffer and sometimes even shapeless.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Ideas - Events - People
Sunday, April 19, 2009The lines on our palm say a lot about our person and life. Handwritings speak a lot about our personalities. Sleeping postures too are said to express significant details of our states of mind. Similar is the case with the things we talk about.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Attitude, Change, Consciousness, destiny, Difficulties, Failure, goals, ideas, move on, people, perspective, Possibilities, quote
Emotional Needs
Most people blindly expect the other person to guess what they want to be told or given. That's because few people even themselves know what is wrong with them or what is their need of the moment. It's great to have someone who can understand without even being told. Those are sure treasures. But mostly, we just have to state clearly what we want from the other person which we call communication. It can be easier or more difficult for the people who do know what they want. Sometimes it is just difficult for express the need. But what if you take your time to understand what you what. You put it as clearly as possible so that the other person understands it completely. And then the most important part of the puzzle goes missing - you're refused? What then?
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: move on, people, perspective, Reminder
Noise Meditation
Saturday, April 18, 2009Concentration is difficult. But its a skill that can be developed. Or a state that can be achieved. Meditation and its various forms work pretty well for it. Sometimes noise can be a great way to help concentration. Use the ipod. When I have to really force myself to study when I'm running away too fast away from it, I put on some great music on the ipod loud enough and start studying. Works well. Singing along, I end up getting involved in whatever I was trying to study.
I guess, that is called managing to get work done. Even from myself.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 3 comments
Labels: Meditation, Music, work
Thursday, April 16, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 2 comments
Fun Test
There may never be a wrong time to join something, there's always a right time to quit. There is this simple test to know when something is not working out and its time to quit. There are even books written about it. But there's really just one single test.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: Love, move on, relationships
After all that, I'll just have to...
Monday, April 13, 2009Most people don't promise anything to you.
Some people make promises and break them.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 6 comments
Labels: Chase, Competition, Love, people, Success
My Crib!
Saturday, April 11, 2009You know what is so special about home? Its home! Thats what! Its the place which makes us feel like no other does. Its ours'. No matter how small or large, our houses make us feel safe. Its the place where we run to. And if we're lucky, we have people there who make the home even more a place to run to.
The people we love, make a house a home. That includes ourselves. A house is the place that gives us the sense of belonging. Even in an unknown land, our hotel room is our place. Because even if only for a few days, it belongs to us.
That is the reason we miss home when we're away. For the sense of belonging. The sense of being at rest. And comfortable.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 3 comments
Labels: Attachment, Feelings, Peace, silence
Duck is a duck!
Friday, April 10, 2009If it acts like a duck (all the time), it's a duck. Doesn't matter if the
duck thinks it's a dog, it's still a duck as far as the rest of us are
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Associative Memory
Wednesday, April 8, 2009Whenever we see something or someone, interact with someone, read something or do something, we relate that experience to the things we have already known and experienced. This is associative memory. Even when old, we'll think of our childhood when we think of our childhood friends. We might even think of things that might have been. Possibilities. Expectations. Unfulfilled desires. It might pain too. But that is all as much part of life as everything else.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Possibilities, Time, Wait
It Takes a Leader
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Every child is troubled by the bullies. Everybody hates a bad boss. Everybody understands the faults of a bad dictator. But it takes courage of a leader to harness that feeling into a movement and make it into a revolution. There are always enough people who feel like you do. All you need to do it seek them out and make the crowd work for you. The people who feel like you do. People who want to make the changes you want to make. It takes a leader to lead.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: hate, Inspiration, people, Possibilities
Think in terms of what you want
Friday, April 3, 2009What you want is what you get in life. If you focus on the things you don't want, you would not get the things you want. In order to get what you want, you have to focus on the things you want. And because there are just so many things you can focus on, single mindedly, focussing on the things you DON'T want only leads you astray.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Attitude, Consciousness, Desire, Focus, ideas, joy, life, Possibilities, Reminder, The Secret
People who care, pay attention!
Saturday, March 28, 2009In the end, people who don't care about you, won't notice it if you die. The people who will notice, are the ones who care. And they would be caring about everything you do. They'll pay attention when you're feeling sick. They notice when you are not realizing that you're not able to do it. They read between the lines. They will notice that you're lying. They will notice that you're sad. They just notice. People are not jewels which others' eyes feel pleasant to look and for us are just to carry around. But the ones who care, are really jewels, only of a different kind.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Should I give up Chasing Pavements...
Saturday, March 21, 2009Every once in a while we have a hard time giving something up. This song reminds me of all of those things. And of all the confusion those situations mean. But its not a sad song. It has been nominated for the song of the year 2008 and the artist Adele won the best new artist grammy award. I didn't totally love this till I heard it for 5 times and totally got addicted to it. The video is so artistic and it took me a moment to realize that it is really as lovely as that!
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Clean Slate...so we wish...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 5 comments
Labels: Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind, relationships, Vanilla Sky, Wait
Everyone is a superhero...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
With reality shows flooding the television space and competetive exams flooding young minds, I have begun to feel that there is really no definitions of best and there are ever fewer losers these days. Everybody seems so very talented to me. Every child is struggling so much better than their previous generations.
Considering that the people now are not only more hardworking but are also more aware of the opportunities available to them and more active in realizing their downfalls and coming over them. I wonder how much more wonderfull these intellingent people would make the world where everybody is striving to be better and better.
There is all the reason to feel good enough and upto mark and absolutely fabulous. There may be no definition of best and it being only a relative term, but while everybody is good at something or the other, its like everybody is a superhero and only their superpowers are unique. Either I'm right, or I'm too optimistic.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Ambition, Attitude, Chances, I am, Possibilities, Pride
The childhood-connection
Lately it seems to me that all the happy couples have known each other for a major part of their lives. So it was because they've known each other through the initial struggle of their lives, they connect better than the other couples. All movies seem to be telling me that. Slumdog Millionaire. Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. Forrest Gump. All people who I come across seem to be showing me that.
Is there no hope for the people who haven't known each other forever? For that magical connection? For that "I know exactly what you feel" feeling?
Maybe we can become excellent story tellers and make up for the years lost. Maybe we can be fantastic lovers and make past unimportant. Maybe we can be so filled with future that there is only that moment and the possibilities of the next?
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Faith, Feelings, Hope, Love, Slumdog Millionaire, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
being possessive, well, yeah...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
For why wouldn't I?
Thursday, March 5, 2009I've become a fan. So please forgive me. But I love this part of the movie The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button where Elizabeth Abbot (Tilda Swinton) tells the story of her swimming through the English Channel. She admits that she wanted to. After struggling for hours she stopped. And hasn't done much with her life after that. Even though at the time, when asked about trying again, she has answered, "For why wouldn't I?".
This is the case with many of us. We give up too soon. While all the time, we were only one step too far.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 2 comments
Labels: give up, Movies, quote, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Not so much attention!
Sunday, March 1, 2009Pay no attention to the critics. Don't even ignore them.
Wrong timing
Saturday, February 28, 2009Why is it that people spend the time when they're totally in cheezy lovey-dovey stuff on doubting their lover and the time when the lover isn't paying attention wishing they did. Its so vicious and stuck up. Trust is difficult, I know, I know. But really? So difficult that you can't enjoy the moment? Right now, someone's talking nice and behaving well, enjoy it, lets blush and be flattered and be happy AND NICE.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Love, relationships, Time