Pretty much there is a very bad position to be in. You're not here and not there. Halfway is always the wrong way.
If you like something like it. If you love someone love them. Don't hate to love somebody. Never. Thats like regretting. Its more weakness than strength and that is not what love is. Love makes you happy. Love makes you stronger. More inspired. Driven.
That may be love of some person or a goal, aim or work, anything. Just be there...100 percent.
Half way is wrong way
Tuesday, January 27, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Love
Lonely, scared & bitter
Saturday, January 24, 2009 This is an amazing something I came across on a blog. And I like to share with you people all happy things I come across, so here it is.
Take a close look. Really. Its truth put on a X-Y axes. Its really self explainatory.
The more angry and selfish you are the lonelier and scared and bitter you get.
The more generous and calm you are the busier, more prosporous and happier you get.
Really. See for you self!
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: happiness
Time can change everything...literally
Time is probably the most flexible thing that was ever created. Created, however that was. Whoever did it. But its quite fabulous. Time can heal. Time can change. Time can change attitudes. Time can change perspective. Time can change everything.And also, Times can change.
We fail to realize how little things can change the bigger picture. And sometimes we get too engrossed in the little details that we forget if they do or not affect the bigger picture. And how. The ability to see the bigger picture alone, can change a lot in our lives. Considering the bigger picture, a lot of things, dont matter at all. And a lot of things, never mattered in the first place. Some things are just better done superficially. Half-done. Un-done. But we have to keep moving. With time. And that is all we need to do.
We need to grow with time. Change. Its about being. Its about becoming, over time. If you want to get somewhere. Be the person who gets there. Use the change. Channel the change that time brings. Make it work for yourself.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: Chances, Change, move on, Time, Vanilla Sky
Treat them well and keep them.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009Right. So you just want all roses till you decide to throw them all away. Everybody wants all nice. Who doesn't like to be loved? But there's some responsibility to that. How can you treat someone badly, specially someone who loves you quite honestly. If you try it on yourself, you would want to be treated nicely by someone you love. Even when they don't love you back. Its a human need. Need for acknowledgement. Attention. Affection.
And think of it this way. If you are insulting/hurting someone because they are too emotional about you, are you trying to prove to them how wrong they are in loving you? Really? Aren't you worth it? Don't you agree when they say you're wonderful? You may not feel the same way about them. But you can agree. You can handle the admiration. You can thank.
Check your self-esteem. You dont have to love everybody who loves you. But you should keep them people. These are the people who noticed you. The good things about you. There are plenty of people who would hate you, who will criticize you, be jealous of you, despise you. Who would you rather keep? The ones who hate you or the ones who love/like/admire you?
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Contempt, Feelings, Insult, Love, people, perspective, relationships, Respect, responsiblity
Making perfect. Making happy.
Monday, January 19, 2009 People move out of relationships or look out of relationships only when they require something they aren't getting. In very few cases is the person you're in a relationship with is a loser you can't make things work with. You chose that person because you believed you could make things work with this person. So deal with it instead of running from it. Make it work.
It may feel very unpleasant when your partner steps out but then why don't you just communicate what he needs so badly? Talk. Communicate.
It happens all the time. Sometimes people want more admiration. Sometimes they want more space. Sometimes they are just lost and need you to help them find a way. Sometimes all they need is a hug. If your partner needs something, provide it. Find out what they need. Be interested. Thats what makes you partners.
If things seem less than perfect, make them perfect. Its not all that difficult. Do something beautiful for your partner. Make them feel special. Give them a reason to stay and you'll find that they would never want to leave.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: Advice, Care, Love, perspective, Possibilities, relationships, Reminder, Respect, responsiblity
Multiple relationships
Sunday, January 18, 2009There are so many beautiful people in this world.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Desire, destiny, Forgiveness, life, Love, move on, relationships
Some Great Advice
Friday, January 16, 2009 Friends are the people you can tell things you wouldn't usually admit even to family. Jokes you can't share with a brother or a sister or parents. And yeah, sometimes they provide with excellent advice.
Advice is itself such a funny thing. We always know what to do, but we want advice. We know whats right, but we ask for more advice. Mostly advice is only an instruction to do the right thing which we are trying to avoid doing. We need advice because someone else can give us the view of the larger picture we lose while considering the details. Some or the other times, we all need advice.
There are two great ideas some very nice people told me recently.
" When you dont think things are right. Quite the way you want them to me. Quite
the way you think they should be. Wait. If its a bad patch, don't make it worse
by going on about it. Pass the time. Time heals everything. Bad time passes.
Things change. Progress returns. In time." - Shreye Mehtani
And :
"Never spend more than 24 hours on any feeling. Neither achievement and glory nor sadness and misery." - Niraj Jain and also Paras Gudka
Its something we all think we know. Only, we forget. Exactly when we need to remember it.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 2 comments
Labels: Advice, certain point, Feelings, Friends, Time
Wednesday, January 14, 2009The key to survival is denial. We deny that we're tired. We deny we're scared. We deny badly we want to succeed. And most importantly, we deny that we're in denial.
Denial is this crazy idea, this crazy practice we indulge in so many times and all so often. We deny, only because we're scared. We deny we're possessive, because we're scared to be exposed of loving too much. We deny we're scared to lose only when we are scared to lose.
Admitting our weaknesses if difficult. But unless you do, you won't be overcoming any of them. And overcoming them, is very very important. Because unless we do, we don't move ahead and more often than that, we get run down. Denial keeps you from improvement. Denial keeps you in a loop. Denail keeps you scared. Denial makes you weak. Whatever you feel, is there for a reason. Find that reason. Take care of it.
Face it. Whatever it is. Don't be scared. Know exactly whats hurting you. Fight your fears before facing your enemies. And don't deny when you're scared. Because if you make a habbit of being scared of sadness, maybe someday you'll just be too scared to admit happiness...
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Care, Difficulties, Feelings, happiness
Building momentum, then keeping it.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009Everybody wants to do well in life. Many people work very hard. Some people dont realize how hard they are working. We start working. Then get into the mode. Keep working. Keep going. Then things seem settled. We begin to slow down. We start to take success for granted. At such a point, its easy to lose the momentum we built over the time, with so much pain. And so it gets easier to get run-down. So what do we do about it? To keep that precious momentum. To keep that fire alive. To keep fighting. To keep on going. Just how do we do it?
I'll tell you what, its difficult. No, its VERY difficult. To RE-build momentum. To get there where you've been before. Mostly it is because we move forward by nature. To be staying in another moment and going back and bringing something from it. The idea itself brings for us - future shock. Which is nothing but the inability to move with time. Forward or backward.
Happens. To everybody. Sooner or later. Some people find it very hard to deal with. To get back to what they've left behind. To repeat. To redo.
But we just have to do it. Like everybody else has to in that situation. Because there is really no other way out. Literally!
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: certain point, Chances, Change, destiny, Difficulties, Failure, Fear, Focus, give up, goals, Mistakes, move on, Planning, Possibilities, Rewards, Stress, Suffering, work
Poem of the most delightfull gifts!
Monday, January 12, 2009We see a lot of times we lose the people we love most. Only because we're too busy being arrogant or just too busy with ourselves. We fail to be there for the ones we love, in their times of need. Distracted with all the fake emotions the people show us, we forget the ones who really be there when we need. Someone wrote this for me once...maybe you'll connect with it.
(This is the first time I'm sharing something personal with you guys. I hope you enjoy it, you're my readers, and I would like to share this with you guys.)
When I started facing the world,
So fake, so insecure, so dark.
For the ones who are lost, like me
Punched, stabbed & kicked away
Don't know what to find. where to stay.
It was then, when I found you, staring,
I dont know what at, me
or the mud people threw on my face.
You wiped away the tears, the mud,
The webs that entangled my mind.
To recollect whatever was left far behind.
When I could upright & fight.
I couldnt see beyond the domain of revenge
And I never realized, your hand was slipping
And now when you are gone. I regret.
And realize, what stands true.
The fact, that I'm so incomplete without YOU.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 10 comments
Labels: Attachment, Attraction, Care, Deepa Goyal, Desire, Feelings, Love, Passion, people, Poem, relationships
New year new year! Oh resolutions?
Thursday, January 1, 2009We resolve to do things that we might not end up doing. But we're still without them so no problem. But what about things we resolve not to do and do repeatedly? So if you dont live up the resolution you have something that you dont want to have. Its like you have something good, you dont have something good and not a something bad either, or you have something bad about you. States, of being. Third one is bad. Surprisingly worse than the second state. First is wonderfull of course!
So what do we resolve? To make our resolves work! Because plan we may, target we may, but if we fail at it, it feels bad. And there's no better feeling than winning. And thats all we do things for, all we work for, put in efforts for - TO FEEL GOOD!
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: Feelings, happiness, joy, New Year, Resolutions