Why is it that people spend the time when they're totally in cheezy lovey-dovey stuff on doubting their lover and the time when the lover isn't paying attention wishing they did. Its so vicious and stuck up. Trust is difficult, I know, I know. But really? So difficult that you can't enjoy the moment? Right now, someone's talking nice and behaving well, enjoy it, lets blush and be flattered and be happy AND NICE.
Time seems heavy only when we don't have enough to do or when we are stuck with limited to think. So it is always better to be busy. As time flies and we fly with it, we forget how much a time has really passed. And so we also overlook the things that are capable of freezing the time for us. Things get easier, as we get busier. Efficiency increases as availability of time shrinks. We do more and feel freer. We stop to look at the past, only by steeling a part of the future. And yet, some people like to advise that one should take time off from moving, to look at what has gone.
 We look for people who can understand us. We all do. You too must have wished for someone who could understand what you are going through. Or what really makes you happy. Or someone who knows exactly how you feel right now. Haven't you? We often confuse companionship with love. And so we just keep looking for it in the ones we love. But every relationship has its own place. A friend is a friend. A lover is a lover. A mother is a mother. We need all of them. Even those relationships that have no name...but this post is not for them.  An elder sibling is a parent who is your own day and age. He/She understand what you need to know, What you want to know, And also, what you know and wouldn't admit. Somebody we love to miss for fighting with. Someone who always thinks we're in love with the wrong person. Somebody we like to tease, tickle and please. Someone who has seen you through the best and the worst and has been there, literally, by default. I have some very fond memories of my brother as I'm sure many of you do (brothers or sisters). This post is dedicated to them. I miss my brother. And so I write this. Not because today is sibling day or something...
There are so many things we fail to say. So many things that we fail to acquire. So many. And every one of us. And yet, life has a way of being so wonderful as it is. It remains forever, just that - wonderful.
Would you rather be someone else?
If we observe closely, the music in our mother tongue works better for us than others. Not because it is better for some artistic reason. But we just connect better. So it requires less attention. It comes so naturally to us. So in some vague way, it relieves stress like no other language can. It makes us feel home; comfortable; at ease. Think about it...
Would you like to be with somebody who makes your bad times worse? Somebody who will make fun of you right when you can't take it? Or try to overlook the fact that anything is wrong at all?
I believe the answer is - No. At least that is the sane way. When people behave that way, they just make it easier for us to decide. They make the confusion go away. No. If today, someone is depressing us further when we need to be cheered up, they don't deserve us. And what will they do when if times get worse? In future they migh, we never know! Its just a fact about that person that we need to face. Because people rarely change what their natural attitude is like. We should take people as they come, like we take times as it comes. There is not other right way to take it. Or we may feel optimistic and hope that we can change this person. Only because we so wish they do. But optimism is a disease that honestly has no cure. We believe. We hope. We wish. Really, isn't optimism just a disease after all??
Music speaks the language of our souls. Someone else might sing the song our heart so feels right. And thats what music is like.
I love this particular line from this song....the opening line...which I feel like saying to someone and invariably fail to....
"I'm asking you to stay..."
The lines that follow are lovely too, but the song just steals my heart at hello....
 Right...how can we overlook this fabulous movie that is making waves around the world. But really. I'm not just going to praise it blindly. At least, I'll try not to. But if you aren't moved my movies and you don't think about it after they end, you might not find it so beautiful.
The best thing that I like about this film is that it makes me not want to win Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Really. I don't want to know those answers living that life. I love my life. And I'm sure you do too. This movie makes me love my life so much more. Pleasure of relative misery - maybe....but it works fine. Also I'm sure that anybody who has gone through one of those things: riots, exploitation or has seen the bad people with loads of money on them doing bad things, don't really crave for money as they do for the people who mean happiness to them. Or if its not about a person, its about even more simpler things in life. And of course, its nice to see actors who look like real people and not mannequins. Its not just refreshing. Its delightful. To see stories where people live on minimal relationships. And survive. Its nice how Jamal Malik keeps looking for Latika. Not for the very romantic reason. But maybe she was the only person in the world who could understand him and the life he had lived. She was the only one for him because there really was nobody who can understand what its really like. To your mother being killed in a riot. Or to live on crime because you have no other way to eat. Where survival matters more than ethics. And yet, they have the soul to live for the future and not the past. It takes a lot to not to be caught up in what all that went wrong. I don't care to notice what all is wrong with this film. Or mention. Movies are just stories so I don't expect them to be too real. Actually, Its better that way. So when I see the poster question asking : Q : What does it take to find a lost love? a. Money b. Luck c. Smarts d. Destiny
I can't help but think...Luck to have that in your destiny...

Have you ever noticed how some parents are so carefull about who their children are hanging out and always judge and be suspicious about their friends. How right are they! Our friends do affect our behaviours. Our being depends a lot on the people we be with. It really does.
If we start hanging out with criminals, we'll begin to understand their particular logic for the way they behave and their particular decisions. We might become convinced. We hang out with very simple people, we observe how simple things honestly make them happy and become convinced with the simplicity. Of course there are exceptions, the people who want something particular and won't be convinced with anything but what they set as standards. But as children, its right to keep the surroundings of the impressionable minds in check.
As we grow up we develop our own ideas of what life means to us. How certain things are done. But our standards or right and wrong may be wrong. We are just exploring just like everybody else is. So we should choose our company wisely. See what other people are doing. People who are doing well. Maybe they have explored life in a more creative way than we have. Or maybe they have explored an end we never paid any attention to. Or maybe they can help us understand some things that we dont. Be with creative people and even if you aren't so creative yourself, after sometime you would see that the solutions you begin to come up with are seen as pretty creative by someone else. Thats the power of company.  Also other people's response to us varies by the company we keep. If we hang out with hoodlums, we would be thought of as one of them. We would be treated as one. So as important as it is to keep the right company, it is equally important to avoid the wrong. Our individuality might be what it is. But it is also important for our individuality to be packaged right and marketed right. Being with the people who have something to give to us, we sometimes get opportunities that are not available otherwise.
Like the old saying goes:
"A man is known not only by the company he keeps, but also by the company he avoids."
 Hope is all anybody ever needs to go on in life. Everybody has enough to complain about. But there is only one tiny speck of hope that keeps us going. Hope that someday our life too will take a U-turn and everything would be just like we imagined. We hope. We believe. We do it every single moment of our lives. And that's what keeps us going.
Hope is what makes the journey more beautiful than the destination, sometimes. Its when you keep going, and then you look back and you can't believe you did what you thought you couldn't have. Just because you kept up the hope. You didn't know. You just hoped. Like that we keep on going. We hope today to believe tomorrow. We hope today to be surprised tomorrow. To be happy. On the way we lose hope. But we gain it again. Sometimes we're reminded of the time we did believe. By someone. Or something. Keep in touch with those things and those people that keep you going. And so, if someone loses touch with hope in between, pull them through it. Give them something to go on for. They are hoping you would help. They don't know it, but they hope. We hope. Someone would pull us through sometime. So we keep on hanging in between. Someone. Something. Will change. To make it all worthwhile.
 What is right for us may not be so right for someone else. But we all bargain in life. There are times when we take the dirt, for a certain hidden desire. We keep taking bad treatment from people who we love for a certain totally unrelated reason. They may not be there when we need them to be, but we are there for them. They may not listen, when we want to talk, but we always listen to them. They may not care, but we do. And we have the immense capacity to forgive them. Happens. Not for everybody. But for those select few.
Lucky, if they may be called so. But it is disrespect. But why would someone sacrifice their self-respect like that? I have never understood that part. Does anybody know? Some or the other times we all do it. That is the thing with human relationships. Our desire to keep the same people in our life. At some or whatever cost. But we want to retain people. And those who deny this with their theories of change, also get bored by the novelty every now and again. But if we all want it. Desire it so much. Why is it so difficult for people to stay?
Have you watched this movie called "The Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind". Its not one of the latest movies. But its nice to watch how nicely this movies shows the idea that love is really something special. You dont love just anybody with certain particular qualities that you generally admire. Its about finding that person who makes you giggle with joy. Who you miss. Who you're excited about over a long time. Over and over. Always. That is love. Its lasting. Its special.
And as the movie shows, you may erase your memory of it, but you'll still love the people you love. Today, tomorrow and always. Love is that irrespective of time and so not-particular. Thats why, its just love. Life is about love. Not about the people we hate. Not about the people we forget. But about the people we love and can't forget. Even if we have our memories erased. Because these few people, complete us. They are parts of our lives. It may be painfull to remember sometimes, but its still unforgettable.