The people we meet on our way up are the same people we meet on our way down. True. But then, everybody knows that. So why is arrogance so common?
Unchain my heart!
Freedom is something that as much as given does come back. Well, unless it destroys you before you come back.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Comes Naturally
Tuesday, April 28, 2009Either we notice something, or we don't. Either we care, or we don't. Either we love or we don't. If we love, either we accept we love and say that we love or we resist our attraction and say we hate. Its all the same thing. Life is always absolute. We are alive or dead. We are happy or we're not. And to be happy is really all anybody ever desires, of course. Some people are made happy by acquiring and some by providing. But the aim is the same - happiness.
What is happiness? Chemical phenomenon? Reflex? It isn't necessary to know the functioning of the process. But we know. Somehow we know when to cry and when to smile. It comes naturally.Mean people are naturally mean. And nice ones are naturally nice too. Nobody can really fake their desires or their reactions. Its just how they are. Everybody being strange in their own ways, the best we can do is choose our friends without judgement, keeping the ones that match our levels of strangeness. There is really no good or bad. We are as we are, and it comes naturally.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Running out of conversation
Thursday, April 23, 2009Some people are naturally talkative. They can go on and on and on and never run out of things to talk about. While some just fall short of words. It isn't particularly good or bad - being talkative or not. Its just how we are. Some people like to discuss, asking for opinions, consulting before making decisions. And others just live on their own.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: relationships, Space
I am trying hard to write a post. Honestly, I am. But I am hungry and I am also trying to be on a diet. I don't know why we take such pains giving up food to stay in "shape" while it does make us suffer and sometimes even shapeless.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Ideas - Events - People
Sunday, April 19, 2009The lines on our palm say a lot about our person and life. Handwritings speak a lot about our personalities. Sleeping postures too are said to express significant details of our states of mind. Similar is the case with the things we talk about.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Attitude, Change, Consciousness, destiny, Difficulties, Failure, goals, ideas, move on, people, perspective, Possibilities, quote
Emotional Needs
Most people blindly expect the other person to guess what they want to be told or given. That's because few people even themselves know what is wrong with them or what is their need of the moment. It's great to have someone who can understand without even being told. Those are sure treasures. But mostly, we just have to state clearly what we want from the other person which we call communication. It can be easier or more difficult for the people who do know what they want. Sometimes it is just difficult for express the need. But what if you take your time to understand what you what. You put it as clearly as possible so that the other person understands it completely. And then the most important part of the puzzle goes missing - you're refused? What then?
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: move on, people, perspective, Reminder
Noise Meditation
Saturday, April 18, 2009Concentration is difficult. But its a skill that can be developed. Or a state that can be achieved. Meditation and its various forms work pretty well for it. Sometimes noise can be a great way to help concentration. Use the ipod. When I have to really force myself to study when I'm running away too fast away from it, I put on some great music on the ipod loud enough and start studying. Works well. Singing along, I end up getting involved in whatever I was trying to study.
I guess, that is called managing to get work done. Even from myself.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 3 comments
Labels: Meditation, Music, work
Thursday, April 16, 2009Posted by Deepa Goyal 2 comments
Fun Test
There may never be a wrong time to join something, there's always a right time to quit. There is this simple test to know when something is not working out and its time to quit. There are even books written about it. But there's really just one single test.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 1 comments
Labels: Love, move on, relationships
After all that, I'll just have to...
Monday, April 13, 2009Most people don't promise anything to you.
Some people make promises and break them.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 6 comments
Labels: Chase, Competition, Love, people, Success
My Crib!
Saturday, April 11, 2009You know what is so special about home? Its home! Thats what! Its the place which makes us feel like no other does. Its ours'. No matter how small or large, our houses make us feel safe. Its the place where we run to. And if we're lucky, we have people there who make the home even more a place to run to.
The people we love, make a house a home. That includes ourselves. A house is the place that gives us the sense of belonging. Even in an unknown land, our hotel room is our place. Because even if only for a few days, it belongs to us.
That is the reason we miss home when we're away. For the sense of belonging. The sense of being at rest. And comfortable.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 3 comments
Labels: Attachment, Feelings, Peace, silence
Duck is a duck!
Friday, April 10, 2009If it acts like a duck (all the time), it's a duck. Doesn't matter if the
duck thinks it's a dog, it's still a duck as far as the rest of us are
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Associative Memory
Wednesday, April 8, 2009Whenever we see something or someone, interact with someone, read something or do something, we relate that experience to the things we have already known and experienced. This is associative memory. Even when old, we'll think of our childhood when we think of our childhood friends. We might even think of things that might have been. Possibilities. Expectations. Unfulfilled desires. It might pain too. But that is all as much part of life as everything else.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Possibilities, Time, Wait
It Takes a Leader
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Every child is troubled by the bullies. Everybody hates a bad boss. Everybody understands the faults of a bad dictator. But it takes courage of a leader to harness that feeling into a movement and make it into a revolution. There are always enough people who feel like you do. All you need to do it seek them out and make the crowd work for you. The people who feel like you do. People who want to make the changes you want to make. It takes a leader to lead.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: hate, Inspiration, people, Possibilities
Think in terms of what you want
Friday, April 3, 2009What you want is what you get in life. If you focus on the things you don't want, you would not get the things you want. In order to get what you want, you have to focus on the things you want. And because there are just so many things you can focus on, single mindedly, focussing on the things you DON'T want only leads you astray.
Posted by Deepa Goyal 0 comments
Labels: Advice, Attitude, Consciousness, Desire, Focus, ideas, joy, life, Possibilities, Reminder, The Secret